Salvus will support you into education where you can learn, grow, and progress towards your goals and ambitions. We will make sure you know how to travel to your school or college, and we will help you to apply for any extra money you are entitled to through your place of education.

Salvus will support you to get any help you might need to make sure you enjoy good health, and you are not worried about illness or injury. We will make sure you can see a doctor, nurse or dentist when you need to, and we will help you to find a professional person to talk to if you are struggling with your mental health.

Salvus will make sure you have a safe home to live in where you feel secure and protected from any harm. We will teach you resilience and give you the skills to help you to protect yourself from danger.


Safe and secure accommodation

A holistic approach to the care of the young people

Encouragement to develop social awareness, accountability and responsibility

An ethos of mutual respect, honesty and transparency

Safe and secure accommodation

What they say

Id sea populo dignissim, sed oporteat dissentias. Inter omnis cu vis ol, omnis augue detraxit nec ut. Ut dicunt ei lobortis, concludat quodsi ad, intellegam.

Hope Obel

What they say

Partem rationibus intellegebat cu per, est tamquam modo an. Nam ex eleifend forensibus, et per ancillae eleifend per ad affert honestatis ornatus.

Mila Nash

What they say

Eu mei duis maiorum, eu nibh nobis hendrerit vix. Eu case tota virtute duo, ad elaboraret accommodare vim, nusquam delicata dissentias at eum.

Donna King
Boris Reid

Speech Therapist

Wanda Clarkson


Angela Nash
